Speices- Laurentian
Delicious and gentle in flavor.
The roots are perfectly round and consistent, offering a delightful combination of taste and texture. They feature purple tops and a pale yellow flesh.
Brassica napus
Rutabagas prefer well-drained soils abundant in potash and phosphorus, with a pH range of 6.4-6.8. For customary fall and winter use, plant in late spring, early summer, or about 90 days before intended harvest. Sow 6 seeds per foot, 3/8" deep, thinning to 6" apart, in rows 18-24" apart.
Soft, brown interior root spot indicates soil boron deficiency, corrected by good compost or agricultural borax. Diseases include black leg, black rot, and turnip mosaic virus. Practice crop rotation (as with all Brassicas). Dispose of infected plants and do not allow any to survive the winter to infect a new crop.
Protect from cabbage root maggots and flea beetles with floating row covers at time of planting.
After at least two good frosts, cut tops and store washed or unwashed at 32°F (0°C) and 95% relative humidity for up to 6 months. Waxing (dipping clean roots in paraffin) is done prior to delivery to prevent drying of roots in store displays.